Real-Time Sound Measurement Buoy

A remote monitoring system that can collect, measure, process and transmit noise monitoring data in real-time.

Our RTSM buoy is a lightweight, compact and scalable solution to collecting noise monitoring data. Data is collected in real-time via a hydrophone deployed beneath the remote buoy, making the set-up, management and collection of data seamless in real time.

Features & Benefits:

  • Real-time sound metric recordings
  • Reduce reporting turnarounds
  • Onboard computation and analysis of sound sources
  • Fewer personnel working offshore
  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Cloud storage
  • Onboard archiving of unprocessed recordings
  • Light-weight and small – Easily stowed and deployed


  • Monitoring of offshore pile driving noise
  • Real time monitoring of compliance with noise limits
  • Live management of acoustic emissions during piling

Download our datasheet here, or speak to one of our team if you need more information.