
Regulatory requirements for effective noise mitigation have increased, particularly for the protection of whales and dolphins. It is now standard practice across several industry sectors to use passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) to detect vocalising marine mammals, in real-time, to ensure none are within close proximity of an active sound source.

shippingOur Approach

Seiche is the leading supplier of PAM equipment worldwide. We provide a range of solutions, from simple over-the-side hydrophones to the most highly advanced low-noise digital arrays.

We have been at the forefront of the development of PAM technology since the 1990s, and have successfully completed a wide range of projects around the world, supplying to the oil and gas, renewables, defence and civil engineering industries.

Worldwide Logistics

Our dedicated logistics department ensures the right equipment is in the right place at the right time. Our bases in the UK, USA, Scandinavia, South Africa and Australia have extensive experience in transporting equipment all over the globe.

remotemonitoring-stationOperational Support

Seiche is committed to supporting all its equipment, including IT and camera systems, in the field, and provides a 24/7 rapid response to all queries. The support team has earned an outstanding reputation for its in-depth knowledge of PAM and PAMGuard – gained from years of using the equipment in the field themselves.

System Installation

Our technicians install equipment worldwide and provide on-site training on the hardware and software. They have expertise in passive-acoustic systems, drift buoys, wireless transmission, satellite communication and camera-systems technology.

deploymentOffshore Technician/Operator

Seiche offshore technicians, who hold offshore certification, are skilled in the installation, maintenance and operation of all systems. Our personnel also have extensive experience of mitigation protocols, offshore PAM surveys and PAMGuard software.


Underwater Sound: Mitigation Techniques

Underwater Sound Mitigation Techniques Underwater noise has the potential to interfere with communication between whales. It can mask environmental sounds that animals use for navigation, foraging and the sounds of predators. High intensity underwater sound, including some sources of anthropogenic noise, can result in physical injury that can be either temporary or permanent. Indirectly, whales may be affected by underwater noise if it changes the distribution and availability of their prey.