Want to improve your understanding of underwater acoustics?
Need a hands-on-approach to solving marine acoustic problems?
Want to critically analyse technical noise reports?
Improve your data processing skills?
Then this VIRTUAL TRAINING COURSE is for you. Acoustics in the marine domain covers physics, biology, chemistry and geology. Hence, there is a strong need to employ an interdisciplinary and hands-on approach when teaching acoustics. Encompassing all these fields is the vast amount of data gathered from various sensors. Understanding and processing these datasets helps in making regulatory and financial decisions, which is of paramount importance.
This course provides a unique opportunity to understand the marine acoustic environment. With a strong focus on the physical principles, coupled with insights into signal processing techniques, this course aims to equip delegates with the practical skills and tools they can immediately use. The transferable skills are proven in both commercial and research environments.
The course material is based on rigorous scientific principles of underwater acoustics, and content includes working examples of real-world industrial applications. The 2-day course includes a set of lectures, practical workshops and discussions exploring the interdisciplinary fields within marine acoustics. The signal processing methods and techniques that can extract useful information out of marine data are presented in lectures and delegates will implement them during the workshops.
This course is delivered remotely via MS Teams in four sessions to ensure safe delivery and avoidance of travel. Our new virtual method helps you maintain your professional development and upgrade your skills as efficiently as possible in these challenging times.
Consultants, contractors, engineers, enthusiasts, managers, regulators, students and young scientists.
Basic knowledge of acoustics and the marine environment.
To book places on this course please contact: training@seiche.com
Start | Finish | Topic |
DAY 1 | ||
08.30 | 09.00 | Registration / Welcome |
09.00 | 09.45 | Introduction to Acoustics |
09.50 | 10.50 | Acoustics in the ocean environment |
10.50 | 11.00 | Break |
11.00 | 11.45 | Sonar equation and dBs in ocean acoustics |
11.45 | 12.45 | Practical Module Ia – dB workshop |
12.45 | 13.30 | Lunch |
13.30 | 14.15 | Types of signals |
14.15 | 15.30 | Practical module II – Signals and features |
15.30 | 15.45 | Break |
15.45 | 16.45 | Underwater noise sources and receivers |
16.45 | 17.00 | Discussions & close |
DAY 2 | ||
09.00 | 09.55 | Practical Module III – Sonar equation |
10.00 | 11.00 | Signal processing & important metrics |
11.00 | 11.10 | Break |
11.10 | 11.50 | Group discussion – industrial noise sources |
11.50 | 12.45 | Underwater acoustic modelling |
12.45 | 13.30 | Lunch |
13.30 | 14.30 | Environmental impact assessment – anthropogenic noise on marine mammals |
14.30 | 14.45 | Break |
14.45 | 15.45 | Practical problem I – Pile driving SL estimation |
15.45 | 17.00 | Practical problem II – EIA on underwater noise sources |
Cost: £1,100 exc. VAT (£1,320 inc. VAT)
For more information please read our course leaflet…