
Seiche Environmental offers a complete range of environmental packages to clients worldwide within the oil and gas, offshore renewables, marine construction and engineering in addition to the marine science sectors.

Our highly experienced team brings years of international experience which provides clients with up to date advice on processes such as:

  • Underwater acoustic measurement
  • Monitoring and mitigation requirements
  • Environmental compliance
  • Governmental regulatory assistance

Our dedicated and experienced in-house Project Managers ensure that our clients obtain quality and international capability to manage various offshore projects effectively.

Our MMOs are JNCC/BOEM/DOC certified and pass a strict recruitment and vetting process with Seiche Environmental Management. Local content can be offered as and where required.

Seiche Environmental provides experienced in-house PAM Operatives and Technicians who are highly skilled at operating our diverse range of acoustic systems on a daily basis or in challenging circumstances and have an excellent understanding of the complexities of underwater acoustics.

What we offer:

  • Environmental baseline surveys
  • Marine mammal risk and impact assessments
  • Marine mammal observation
  • Passive Acoustic Monitoring operators
  • Passive Acoustic Monitoring equipment
  • Fisheries Liaison Officers
  • Acoustic modelling and sound source verification services
  • Full project management
  • Full analysis and comprehensive reports

For more information, please contact: environmental@seiche.com or telephone (+44) 1409 505050.

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Case studies

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